Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 4th BBQ

Have you planned your BBQ for the 4th of July yet? What a great opportunity to enjoy the holiday with your child! How can you get he/she involved in preparing for your BBQ? Remember that the most important thing is for your child to feel valuable in the activity. How do we do that? Give them a specific job. What are your ideas on how your child can be involved?

Preparing the watermelon - Could you cut the fruit and he/she put it in the bowl?
Making a dessert - Could they help you decorate the cookies or cake?
Setting the table - Could you hand he/she a plate and let them set the table?
Making fruit (or vegetable kebabs to grill) - you could work together to put the fruit on the skewer

We suggest that you start your preparations early to leave for enough time to enjoy the moment without feeling stressed before your guests arrive. Let us know how it goes!

Happy 4th of July!

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