Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Family 4-Square

Summer is about half way over. Do you feel like you have been able to enjoy it with your child? We sure hope so!

Are you interested in getting your whole family involved in RDI? A family game of 4-square is the perfect opportunity!

5 Tips for family 4-square:
1. Start small - Start with 4-square being a two person game (you and your child) to simple get a back and forth motion going. Depending on your child's ability, you may want to start as small as handing the ball back and forth to each other.

2. Gradually make the game more complex - As you're playing a two person game with your child, gradually add variations and changes into your game. What variations can you add? Could you add in different speeds at which you hand the ball over to the other player? What changes can you add? Could you change the game from handing it back and forth to each other to bouncing it to one another?

3. Continue to evolve the game - Through different variations and changes, make sure to keep the interaction always changing. This will help your child think in a more dynamic way, and also change the game into 4-square (with two players).

4. When child is ready - When your child is ready, it may be in the same day or a week later, try changing the game from a 2-player game to a 4-player game.

5. Have fun - Make sure to enjoy the time you spend with your child!

How can you expand the game even more? What other variations and changes can you add to the game? We are excited for you to try this activity. Please let us know how it goes!

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