Monday, March 31, 2014

Homemade Play-Doh

Do you have a free morning or afternoon that you can turn into a family activity? One of our favorite activities to do with children is to make homemade Play-Doh. Here is a great recipe that you can follow:

Kool-Aid Play-Doh
 1 cup flour

½ cup salt

1 packet unsweetened Kool-Aid

2 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1 cup boiling water

Mix dry ingredients in medium bowl. Add oil and mix. Add boiling water. Mix some more and then knead.

You can play with the amount of oil if it is too greasy or not greasy enough. It will last a couple weeks if you store it in your fridge in a Ziploc bag.

How could you involve your children in this process? They can help you measure, pour the ingredients, or mix the dough. We challenge you to follow this recipe and then let us know how you got your children involved. We want to hear about your experience.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

100 Things

Do you like to read blogs? We came across a blog this week that discussed "100 Things" that a family has seen resulting from RDI. It is important to remember that RDI is not a sprint . . . it is definitely a marathon. As this family has gone through the program, the mother has done a great job making a list of changes she has seen in her child.

What changes have you seen in your child since you have started RDI? Start keeping a list, we'd love to hear about it!

Click here to access the blog "Duct Tape and Bean Dip."

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Free Download


March 25th

Download a FREE Kindle Version of "My Baby Can Dance"
By: Dr. Steven Gutstein

This book shares the stories of a few families who have a child on the Autism Spectrum and use Relationship Development Intervention (RDI).

Click here to order

A Personal Story

A RDI Consultant from Australia sent in a story written by one of her families called "From Disconnection to Dynamic Thinking." She discusses how through RDI, she has "Regained a relationship with her son."

Click here to read the article.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Making the Passover Meaningful

Dr. Sheely wrote a great article with ideas of how to make the hiding of the Afikomen (an unleavened bread called matzah) a great dynamic family activity. She suggested the idea of cooking part of the meal together with your children, making it into a simple regulatory pattern. You can also add in some simple chanting that goes with your pattern as you work together. Although the Passover is still a few weeks away, it is important to think about how each child is going to be involved and what their individual role will be in the activity.

Do you have an idea of how to make the Passover meaningful? We'd love to hear about it!

Click here to read Dr. Sheely's article.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

This Weekend

This weekend, March 21st and 22nd, we will be at the UTCH Convention (Utah Christian Home School Association). It is located in Salt Lake City at Canyons Church.

Canyons Church
1700 East Fort Union Blvd.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84121

Stop by if you're in the area, we'd love to see all of you! For more information click here to view their website.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Surviving Weather With Children

       Is anyone ready for spring? We definitely are. Regardless of the weather, both children and adults often become tired of being inside. Rather than turning on electronics to entertain our children, here are some inside activities that you can do with them. What are you going to do during your last few days of cold weather?

Click here to read the article for ideas.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Button, Button, Who's Got the Button

Dr. Sheely reminded us all about the fun family game Button, Button, Who's Got the Button. Are you looking for a fun family game to play? Here is Dr. Sheely's article explaining how to play it:

Click here Dr. Sheely's Game Explanation

Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Pi Day!

If you are the kind of person that likes a reason to celebrate, today is your lucky day. With the date today being 3.14.14, means that for all of you mathematicians, it is Pi Day! Pi Day is a great excuse to sit down together as a family and enjoy some yummy dessert.

Where are you going to celebrate tonight? Here are some of our favorite places:

1. Your own kitchen
          For a lot of us, it's a stress reliever to sit down and relax at the dinner table full of those
             we love.

2. Marie Calendars
          Located in Salt Lake City and Layton
             Click here for more details

3. Kneaders
          Located 20 different locations around Utah
             Click here for more details

4. The Dodo
          Located in Salt Lake City
             Click here for more details

5. Harmon's
          Located 18 different locations around Utah
             Click here for more details
     *For Pi Day today, Harmon's is topping their pies with chocolate pi symbols.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Through RDI, We Have Regained Hope

     One of Scott's families shared their story in an article published on the RDI Connect website last year. They discussed how RDI helped them regain hope in their son and in their family unit as a whole.

"After two years of working with our consultant I can't even begin to tell you how good it feels to be a competent parent.  It feels so good to no longer feel like I'm failing my child.  During our first year we had worked up a scenario of what we would like to see in our son in a year.  When I look back I can't help but cry.  He exceeded what our hopes were; partly because we were scared to hope.  Now our hopes are greater.  He is far more capable of having a good quality of life than we ever knew.  We are far more capable of helping him get there than we ever knew, and are looking forward to the journey."
-  Michelle Davis
    Mother of Malachi

Click here to find the article.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Creating Independent Thinkers

     The RDI programs are designed to develop dynamic, independent thinking. This goal is attainable for many individuals who face developmental challenges and differentiates us from other 'therapy' models. The following video is an excerpt from a radio interview featuring RDI consultant, Lisa Palasti and RDI mom, Carol. Here, they discuss how RDI programs focus on creating independent thinkers.

The RDI Book on Kindle

This week, the publishing of the RDI Book on Kindle was released on Amazon. If you are looking for more information about RDI, this is the best place to start. This book is a primer for the philosophy behind Relationship Development Intervention and the RDI programs.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Setting Goals

     As the weather has recently improved, there is no denial that spring is in the air!  During this time, we encouraged parents to start thinking for the future.  Goal setting can be very difficult for families that have children with autism.  Some consider the severity of the disability and dream so small that it never allows for a chance of growth.  While others dream without planning on how they will get there and eventually the dreams fail without support.  But with RDI, we embrace challenges and assist your family in setting realistic goals that allow your child to reach their maximum potential. This week, take a few minutes and dream a little!  Set goals that allow your child a possibility for a better quality of life and then create steps on how to get them there.  Share them with us and let us support you!

Enjoy this entertaining video on setting goals:

Goal Setting

Monday, March 3, 2014

Pryor Consulting is Expanding!

Yes it is true!  We are growing!!  Pryor Consulting is adding two new RDI® consultants to the team.  Each member brings a unique skill set and passion for working with families who have children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Here is a little background information on our new consultants!


Eric completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development, soon after, he completed his Master’s Degree in Special Education.  Eric worked for Kids on the Move in Utah County as an early intervention specialist and has taught in both Elementary and Junior High settings.  Eric decided to begin his official RDI® Certification in 2012 and expects to finish his certification this summer.

Nicole graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Marriage, Family and Human Development with a Minor in Psychology.  She has worked with families around the Salt Lake and Utah Valley as an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Instructor.  Nicole decided to begin her official RDI® Certification in 2013 and expects to finish her certification later this year.

Family Links Conference

Pryor Consulting had a successful weekend at the Utah Family Links Conference. A big thank you to all those who came to support us!