Thursday, September 3, 2015

Fall Scheduling

With it being the first week of September, that means that school has started and fall is on its way. This is the perfect time of year to reevaluate ourselves and how we spend our time. How are you going to spend your time this fall?

One of our consultants, Nicole Davis, shared how she has been reevaluating herself for fall:

As a new mom, I have gone from working full-time, to part-time so it has allowed me to spend time with my son. Over the past week I have been thinking about how easy it is for me to over-schedule our time together. I have always been one who doesn't like to miss out on any events or gatherings, and has a hard time telling others "no" when I am asked for assistance. I have been able to break down the word "over-scheduling" into three different categories that have helped me reevaluate and manage my time better.

1. Over scheduling ourselves (meeting friends for lunch, running errands... etc.)

2. Over scheduling our kids (signing them up for sports, music lessons, cooking classes, academic tutoring... etc.)

3. Over scheduling our minds (not unplugging from the world - phone calls, texts, social media... etc.)

So what is the solution? I have found that for me, it is helpful to schedule time to sit on the family room floor and play with my son. The more I take the time to unplug from the rest of the world and spend time with my son, the more I realize how fun it is to get to know his little personality better. I love our time together, and fear that these moments why he is young are going to slip through my fingers quickly as he grows up. Scheduling events for both me and my family are fun, needed, and very valuable, but I am going to make it a personal goal to keep all of our scheduling in moderation. What is the solution for you?