Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"Is it good to let kids screw up?"

As parents, we think we know what is best for our own children. The tricky part however, is to allow them to learn and make decisions on their own. Is it more beneficial to let our children “figure it out,” rather then tell them all of the answers before they need them? We believe so.

We came across an article, “Is it good to let kids screw up?” and loved how it discussed the problem of, “letting our kids slip and fall—figuratively and literally.” We all probably agree that we don’t want our kids to crumble each time they mess up, but hopefully we can find an encouraging balance to allow them to learn from their own mistakes.

“The bottom line is this: Don’t step in and do the work for your kids. Don’t line up the perfect internship or correct a homework assignment after your child has gone to bed. Do ask questions, though, and do coach your kids through the possible outcomes ahead of time.”

Click here to read the article.