Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Gardening with Autism

     Autism World Magazine publishes an amazing article written by RDI Certified Consultant Libby Majewski called "Guiding children with autism spectrum disorders in everyday, family oriented activities." This article discusses how to make gardening enjoyable, and also a productive environment for children to learn. Majewski follows these steps as she explains this family activity:

1. Plan ahead
2. Use Pinterest
3. Go slow
4. Stay in the lead
5. Assign roles
6. Allow and plan for mistakes
7. Keep it short and end on a positive note
8. Take pictures or video and review them afterward with your child
9. Celebrate with hugs and gazes

     Majewski focuses on how difficult it is as a guide or parent to watch our children make mistakes when we could easily show or teach the correct way. She said, "Let them make mistakes (it's dirt, right?). Take perfect out of the equation, not important. Let go of expectations (I know it's hard, believe me). This is about guiding your child with special needs in a positive experience...This is an opportunity for growth and learning to trust Mom, Dad, and themselves."
     Have you planted your garden yet? Gardening is a wonderful family activity that can be enjoyable if the right process is in place. It can also carry on throughout the summer as you and your family take care of it.

Click here to open Autism World Magazine and read about gardening on page 11-19

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