Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

The song, "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" from the Disney movie Frozen has been quite popular this year:

I'm right out here for you, just let me in
We only have each other
It's just you and me
What are we gonna do?

Do you wanna build a Snowman?

This part of the song creates a great moment after Anna invites her older sister Elsa to build a snowman with her. What a great opportunity for them to spend time together!

Playing in the snow can be turned into the most wonderful family RDI activity. If you can find a good day when the temperature isn't too cold and there is some fresh snow, it can make for a fun afternoon with your child.

Ideas on how to make building a snowman into a RDI activity:
- Both parent and child can push a big snowball together to create part of the snowman

- Between parent and child, you can split up the work - each of you roll your own snowman and then combine them to make a two-snowballed snowman

- Both parent and child can work together making a big pile of snow to be your snowman

- Both parent and child can problem solve together of how to make the flat snow on the ground look like a snowman. Make sure to validate your child's ideas, and be creative on how to "invent" your own snowman together.

They most important thing to remember is that you and your child are WORKING TOGETHER. It is important to remember that it is okay if your snowman doesn't end up looking like a "typical" snowman with three stacked snowballs. Be creative, and enjoy having fun together!

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