Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt

With winter approaching quickly, bundle up and get outside to enjoy this beautiful, chilly weather! A neighborhood scavenger hunt is the perfect family activity.

Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt List
something fuzzy
something soft
something prickly
something straight
something round
something you can recycle
4 pieces of litter
5 different types of leaves
 something crunchy to step on
something colorful
something with sharp edges

Use this list to work together with your child to find these items as you take a walk around your neighborhood. Make sure to take a bag so you can collect all of the interesting things that you find.

How can you make sure this is RDI? Add in some changes and variations! Could you add in something interesting that you find along the way that is not on your list or go out of order in finding the items on your list? These small changes will keep your child thinking. Remember, make sure that your child feels valuable during the activity and that they are doing just as much as you are to contribute.

If this list is a little tricky for your child, feel free to alter the list to your child's abilities. Make sure to make it so they will be successful, but not too easy that it takes away the challenge and thinking.


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