Monday, March 31, 2014

Homemade Play-Doh

Do you have a free morning or afternoon that you can turn into a family activity? One of our favorite activities to do with children is to make homemade Play-Doh. Here is a great recipe that you can follow:

Kool-Aid Play-Doh
 1 cup flour

½ cup salt

1 packet unsweetened Kool-Aid

2 Tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1 cup boiling water

Mix dry ingredients in medium bowl. Add oil and mix. Add boiling water. Mix some more and then knead.

You can play with the amount of oil if it is too greasy or not greasy enough. It will last a couple weeks if you store it in your fridge in a Ziploc bag.

How could you involve your children in this process? They can help you measure, pour the ingredients, or mix the dough. We challenge you to follow this recipe and then let us know how you got your children involved. We want to hear about your experience.